Fun With Search Engines

This is something Syd has been doing on the news section of the site for some time, but it's too good to pass up. For those of you that don't know how that works, the premise is simple. The site logs contain a lot of useful information. One of the things it logs is where people were directed the site from, and if it was from a search engine, it also logs the search term they were looking for. What follows are 100% real search terms that people used to find my blog. These searches are for the month of October.

shia labeouf sex scandal - I had about three times as many people find my site searching for this as found it searching for Megan Fox sex scandal. Apparently women are three times hornier than men.

are the VH1 celebrity dating shows real? - Well they really exist if that's what you mean. If you want to know if they form meaningful, lasting relationships then they're as real as any other reality dating show.

incontinent student bodies - I didn't realize this book actually had a following. You can read about the book here

. more ejaculate movies -female -squirt - The use of the minus sign in the search shows that they are not interested in female ejaculation, furthering my theory that women are hornier than men. It's odd that they would know what the minus does in a search, but assume that by saying "more" the computer will give them ones they haven't seen yet.

funniest things alive - That'd be me and Syd.

don't fix anything that ain't broke - Wasn't planning on it.

is there blood when you ejaculate? - Absolutely not. Clearly there is when you ejaculate, however, which makes me wonder why you took the link to my site rather than the WebMD link.

That's all for this month, but check back for more crazy searches, and whatever else I feel like writing.

I didn't steal this idea, it's an homage

© 2008 by Dr. Jeebus