Old People. Amirite? I, like most people my age, don't have an intense desire to go around starting conversations with random strangers. As time goes on,
however, this will apparently change. My life will become so boring and I'll find all TV so offensive that I'll feel the need to start talking
to anyone I run into as my only remaining means of entertainment.
I was leaving my apartment for work a couple days ago, and the elevator made a couple extra stops. First, it picked up one of the construction guys
doing some work on our building. We stood silently, traveling down three stories, until the elevator stopped on the second floor and an old woman
got on. Suddenly, keeping to ourselves wasn't allowed to be on the agenda. Here's how the conversation went:
Woman: "So where is everyone off to?"
(Long pause as neither of us wanted to answer)
Man: Just going outside for a minute
Woman: Oh, I thought maybe you were going golfing
Time to buy a faster elevator!
© 2008 by Dr. Jeebus