New Hampshire Needs to Pay Me Taxes: Volume V

I've been trying to put this off until I could find more ridiculous license plates, but the three I have for you may actually be the three most ridiculous license plates I have ever seen ever. Without further ado, let's jump on in!

COWSRUS - Aside from a silly joke, I have no idea what this license plate could possibly be. Is the driver a butcher? Does he sell cows to farms? Is he a milkman? Does he make cowbells? Some questions are better left unanswered, I suppose.

65-MPG - This license plate, of course, was on a hybrid. I drove next to the guy and kept trying to flip him off for being such a smug douchebag, but he wouldn't look over at me. This is even worse than the bumper sticker I saw that said "MY other car's a hybrid too!"

NSFW - That's right, someone in New Hampshire has a license plate that simply says NSFW. Why is this the greatest license plate I've ever seen, you ask? Because I saw it leaving a church parking lot. Is the license plate a coincidence? If not, what makes them so unsafe for work, and what were they doing at that church? It was broad daylight, so it's not like they were doing something nefarious to the church building itself, which frankly leaves me stumped! All I know is that if something's not safe for work, it's probably not safe for church either.

Sorry, but that's all for today folks! Join me tomorrow morning when I complain about homeless people!

That wasn't a joke, my next entry is really about the homeless.

© 2008 by Dr. Jeebus