It is now one month to the day since I started my blog. In honour of this milestone, I thought I'd do a sequel of sorts to my first
entry about New Hampshire license plates. Maybe this will become a recurring thing as I see more and more vanity plates every day.
You'll just have to keep coming back to find out! If you have not read my first entry yet, I highly recommend it. Like last time,
these are very real license plates I have seen:
&ANGIE - This is my second least favourite type of vanity plate. I don't see the need in buying a license plate for the sole purpose
of advertising your name to the world, especially when no one who sees it while you're driving is going to say anything to you...and
if they are saying anything to you, it's probably being yelled and sounds like "Learn to fucking drive, Angie!" If Angie and other people
who need their name on their license plate are really such attention whores, I recommend buying a "Hello, My Name Is ______" sticker. It's cheaper,
and if someone can read it they're much more likely to want to talk to you than someone driving to work.
MAGGINS - Either this driver is a competitive cribbage player or a professional thug, but either way they were unfortunate that "MUGGINS"
was already taken.
2CUTE - When I read this I was very flattered that they thought it of me, but it seems like a silly investment. I mean, what were
the odds that I would ever be driving behind this car to see how they felt about me?
3353 - Four words: Least secure pin ever.
-BZ- - The driver of this car must have been an apiologist. They even put little dashes on the license plate to represent stingers! Of course,
they probably didn't need to both getting a vanity plate as the car also had a custom paint job to look like honeycomb and
had several stickers including one that said "Honk if you love honey!". And while none of that is true, I bet you were ready to
believe it.
Erin esurance nude - I figured that, much like Syd's "Fun With Search Engines" on the news section, if this is going to be a recurring
entry that I was required to put some sort of hentai reference in each time. But enough about Syd and his love of hentai.
&2PUGS - Clearly the driver and his wife in the car were pugilists, but that's too long for a license plate.
IRUKI - This one really threw me for a loop, that is until I saw the driver. When I was passing the car I saw there was a small Asian
driving the car, and wearing a nice suit. It was then I realized that what he was trying to say was "At blackjack tables, I ruki."
That's right, I'm ending this blog on a racially insensitive joke.
Fun with search engines, eat your hentai-loving heart out
© 2008 by Dr. Jeebus